Recipe: How to make Swedish cardamom cake


Makes: 12+ slices

Preparation: 20 minutes

Cooking: 60 minutes

Total: 80 minutes


Butter and breadcrumbs for the mould

300 g (1⅓ cups) softened butter

380 g (1 ⅔ cups) caster (superfine) sugar

4 eggs

320 g (2½ cups) plain flour

3 tsp baking powder

5 tsp freshly ground cardamom *

200 ml (1 cup) milk


1. Pre-heat the oven to 175°C (50F, Gas 4, Fan 160C).

2. Grease a 2¼ litre (10 cup) Bundt with butter and then sprinkle the inside with dried breadcrumbs.


3. Cream the butter and sugar until pale and creamy, about 3 minutes  on a moderate speed using an electric beater.

4. Beat in the eggs, one at a time.

5. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking powder and ground cardamom and then fold into the mixture.

6. Mix in the milk and then carefully pour into the prepared Bundt, traying to avoid creating any air pockets. Tap the pan to remove any air bubbles and then tilt the pan gently, so that the batter runs up the sides.

7. Bake for about an hour until it is golden brown, just beginning to pull away from the side of the Bundt and a skewer poked into the cake comes out clean.

8. Let the cake cool in the Bundt for 10 minutes and then turn out on to a wire rack to cool completely.

9. When cold, transfer to a serving plate or board.


If there are any leftovers, the cake freezes well.


- Ground cardamom has a short shelf life, so for the best aroma and flavour buy cardamom pods and grind the seeds yourself. It is quite hard work and takes 10-15 minutes, but it is worth the effort. You will need about two tablespoons of cardamom pods to produce five teaspoons of ground cardamom.

- Swedes normally grease the inside of the Bundt with butter and then dust it with dried breadcrumbs, but you can use baking spray (NOT cooking spray) if you prefer.

Recipe courtesy of John Duxbury, editor and founder of Swedish Food

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