How To Make It As An Inventor

“I was born to fix things,” says Andrew Sanderson, a former engineer with Britain’s Royal Air Force who found his life purpose in mid-life as an inventor. For his latest project, Modern Fuel, he has created what he calls “the perfect mechanical pencil.”

“The interesting thing about this project is that I didn’t make the pencil with the idea of selling it,” Sanderson says. “I always dreamt about inventing an object that would be in every home in the world. But it turns out that finding a niche market is incredibly powerful. I am now turning the simple idea of the perfect pencil, a passion of mine, into a brand and a real company.”

Modern Fuel founder Andrew Sanderson is living his purpose as an inventor.Catherine Sanderson

Sanderson started “taking things apart and putting them back together” at a very young age. Before he was old enough to drive, his parents let him buy a car and restore it. As a teenager, he spent most of his evenings in his father’s garage fixing up that Mini. He then joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 16. After a 12-year career fixing aircraft and industrial gas turbines, he decided to invent things full time for a living. “I’ve always had a book of ideas that I carry around in my pocket,” he said. “It was time to turn those ideas into actual products.”

It was a community college class in CAD (computer-aided design) that gave Sanderson the language for inputting his ideas into a computer in order to test them and easily instruct another person or a machine in how to make them. “That was the light bulb moment for me,” Sanderson explains. “I knew then that I had the skills and tools, the language, I needed in order to turn my ideas into real things. And I knew that this was my calling.”

Learning CAD helped Sanderson turn his visions into reality.Catherine Sanderson

Normally when he invents something, Sanderson says, he tries to solve a problem in an industry with which he is familiar. But sometimes, he just follows his passion and makes what he cares about. “I spend most of my days trying to find an opportunity where there is some value that hasn’t been discovered yet. I then design, test, and finally put out into the world a product to see if people are interested. If they are, I take the idea as far as I can.”

Sanderson is passionate about finding your life purpose and aligning your career with it. “ What we do for a living either drives our life purpose or strangles it. There is no in-between. There are times in my life when I doubt what I am doing and consider taking a full-time job, but ultimately, I always come back to the thought that this is what I should be doing.”

Of course, choosing a career where you are your own boss and you have little financial stability can be tough. “To be a designer/ artist/ entrepreneur is a lifestyle choice. You have to forgo a lot of the luxuries and securities that more permanent jobs offer. But that journey is part of the thrill. If you can stick it out, the rewards are huge.” Furthermore, Sanderson actually appreciates getting to be “brutally honest” with himself when things aren’t going well, owning his mistakes in a way he feels he was never permitted to do in the workplace.

Sanderson works with a colleague to perfect his mechanical pencil design.Catherine Sanderson

To young people looking to tap into their life purpose by becoming inventors, Sanderson offers this advice. “Everyone has a good idea inside of them. This is 100% true and it has never been easier to test it. Sketch ideas and make prototypes with tape and paper. Don’t worry about what it looks like or how good it is. Do it over and over until you have something that works most of the time. Then share it, put a short video online, or ask friends over and give them a demo. Start using it in your everyday life.”

Sanderson has a “5-person rule” for his inventions. After making something, he uses it every day out and about in his life. After five people have asked him, “Where did you get that from?” or “Can I see that?” then it’s time to start making it. “That does not mean it will make a million dollars, but it does mean people are interested.” For Modern Fuel pencils, he launched two successful Kickstarter campaigns. "Once you’ve raised some funds for your project, then be sure to listen to feedback from your customers on how to make it better," he cautions.

Finally, Sanderson advises people not to quit their day jobs right away. “I have found it very difficult to be creative with the pressure of running out of money or being kicked out of your apartment looming over your head. So, start small. Do it in your spare time, in your spare bedroom or wardrobe at first. Take a college class at night. Keep going until you can afford not to go to work anymore because that little idea you started on the side is paying you too much.”

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