Eagle's Flight Details the Benefits of a Collaborative Workforce

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Eagle's Flight, an industry leader in the development and delivery of practical and experiential training programs for the global business community, today announced it is publishing a resource promoting the advantages of a collaborative workforce. The e-book, A Guide to Building a More Collaborative Workforce, is available for free download at https://www.eaglesflight.com/guide-to-building-a-more-collaborative-workforce.

Collaboration occurs when individuals share information and work together to generate ideas and solve problems. A collaborative workforce is less likely to operate in silos, but rather will cooperate with each other to meet company objectives. For a collaborative workforce to be truly beneficial, every employee needs the skills and knowledge to engage in desired behaviors. The new e-book from Eagle's Flight explores how organizations can foster and strengthen internal collaboration. Among the guide's features:

  • The benefits of a collaborative workforce
  • Seven characteristics of collaborative workforces
  • Details on how organizations can build a more collaborative workforce through experiential learning

"In today's ultra-connected world, collaboration is paramount to the success of individuals, leaders, teams, and entire organizations," says Michelle Bennett, Vice President of Marketing for Eagle's Flight. "Collaboration also leads to improved engagement at work, better working relationships, and a more positive company culture. However, collaboration skills don't come naturally to some individuals and organizations, and must instead be built and nurtured. Our new guide delves into the potential of collaboration and offers advice for organizations looking to improve this important skill."

For more information about this e-book or the innovative training programs Eagle's Flight offers, visit the company's website at http://www.eaglesflight.com.

About Eagle's Flight
Eagle's Flight is an innovative leader in the development and delivery of practical training programs for the global business community. Through experiential learning, they give organizations of all sizes a competitive edge by significantly strengthening workforces through lasting behavior change. Founded in 1988, their offerings include skill-based programs, conference events, leadership training, and custom initiatives. Globally, their programs are offered in 20 languages and represented by international licensees in 35 countries. This global network allows Eagle's Flight to seamlessly work with large, multinational companies and provide them with consistent training messages, methods, and solutions, no matter where they may be located.

SOURCE Eagle’s Flight

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