The benefits of Bt corn: Study finds GMO reduces crop damage in nearby fields

The Bt corn brings "positive impacts to growers, including organic producers," according to the study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"Bt corn suppresses pests regionally, with declines expanding beyond the planted Bt crops into other non-Bt crop fields," the study says. "We show that widespread Bt field corn adoption is strongly associated with marked decreases in the number of recommended insecticidal applications, insecticides applied, and damage to vegetable crops in the United States."

The study — conducted by a team of scientists led by University of Maryland researchers — examined transgenic crops containing the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) in the Mid-Atlantic United States

These definitions might be helpful:

• Transgenetic refers to genetically modified organism, or GMOs, which have been given genetic traits to protect them from pests, give them tolerance to pesticides or improve their quality.

• Bt corn is a type of GMO. The list of GMO field crops include Bt corn, Roundup Ready soybeans and Roundup Ready corn.

• Bacillus thuringiensis is a naturally occurring soil bacterium that produces proteins toxic to insects. It's widely used commercially to control insects important to agriculture.

According to information from the University of Maryland, Bt corn, which now accounts for more than 90 percent of corn grown nationwide, was first introduced and adopted in the United States in 1996. The study evaluates data from the 20 years before 1996 and and the 20 years after it.

The question isn't whether Bt corn itself is safe, University of Maryland researchers say.

"Safety of Bt corn and other GMOs has been tested and proven extensively, but this study is about effectiveness of Bt corn as a pest management strategy, particularly for offsite crops or different crops in different areas than the Bt corn itself," Dilip Venugopal, a University of Maryland scientist involved in the study, said in published comments.

"These benefits have never before been documented and showcase Bt corn as a powerful tool to combat pesticide resistance and advance the agricultural industry," he said.

Venugopal cautioned, however, that Bt corn should be treated "as one of many tools in an integrated pest management tool box."

Galen Dively, another University of Maryland scientist involved in the project, said the study "ultimately shows the importance of evaluating GMO crops beyond the field that is being planted."

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