PARENTING: Consider the benefits of homeschooling

Have you thought about homeschooling your kids? Most people can easily make a list of reasons not to homeschool. That was Jody’s story when her oldest child asked to be homeschooled at the start of seventh grade.

“I’m not a teacher,” she thought. “I have no idea how to homeschool and really no desire.” But her son was serious and, after great consideration, she and her husband chose to honor his heartfelt request.

Very soon, Jody realized that children are not containers that we can pour information into. They are more like hunter/gatherers of knowledge and understanding, picking and choosing from the world around them, learning at their own pace and in their own way.

Jody’s son did not return to school until college. He’s now approaching his 30th birthday. He and his wife are both attorneys in New England.

We often tell parents that if their intention is to simply bring school into their homes, they may want to reconsider. In many cases, school does it better. But if they are looking for something unique, if they want to give their child a different experience, a more customized and pervasive education, homeschooling can be a great choice.

For starters, it gives families the time to focus on teaching important life skills and grooming character traits that will help kids become successful adults who offer strong contributions to their communities.

Homeschooling also allows students to pursue a customized education plan, tailored to their interests and talents. An elementary student who is passionate about marine science, for example, can spend her days becoming a mini-expert on ocean life, pouring through colorful books, visiting aquariums and marine science centers and participating in ocean conservation activities.

Middle schoolers can devote a chunk of their educational hours to volunteering at an animal shelter, learning to build a website, starting a small business -- the options are limited only by a family’s imagination and the student’s interests.

High school students can participate in valuable internships, apprenticeships and job shadowing opportunities that can help weed out wrong career choices or build valuable connections and experiences for their future.

Homeschooled kids also have the freedom to learn at their own pace, breezing through material that comes naturally while slowly digesting more challenging assignments. And they have great opportunities to get ample daily sunshine, fresh air and exercise, while growing their imaginations and exploring a wide range of interests.

One of our personal favorite benefits of homeschooling is that it allows us more control over our lifestyle. Because we are not bound by a school calendar, our kids can learn on weekends, evenings and during the summer, which leaves us the freedom to travel when we want (and not when there’s a school break), enjoy visitors throughout the year and be spontaneous.

Homeschooling is certainly not the best choice for everyone but, for these reasons and many more, it can be an excellent educational option for many families.

Jenni Stahlmann and Jody Hagaman are mothers with nine children between them, from an attorney to a pre-schooler, and one on the autism spectrum. Together they host a nationally syndicated radio show, “POP Parenting.” They are also freelance writers and international speakers. Get more information on their website,

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