The Skin Benefits Of Rosehip Seed Oil

When used on the face, rosehip seed oil is essentially a cure-all. "Rosehip oil is a fantastic moisturizer that does not break people out," said Dr. Fishman. It's good for all skin types, especially dry or rosacea-prone," Dr. Fishman said.

"The main bioactive component of rosehip seed oil is all-trans retinoic acid, which is a natural precursor to vitamin A. The high amount of tretinoin is responsible for making rosehip one of the best oils for restoring depleted and scarred tissue," said Winters. So it can help reduce the appearance and formation of acne scarring, too. Use it as a spot treatment to make the healing process more efficient.

Additionally, vitamin C helps brighten the complexion, while GLA protects against environmental stressors and, subsequently, premature aging. Rosehip seed oils with a deep coloring also have a subtle bronzing effect on the skin (but be careful—you'll want to rotate other oils in because too much can impart a temporary "orange" glow).

Lastly, because rosehip seed oil is a dry one, it's also an excellent natural anti-frizz treatment on the ends of dry hair. In case you haven't noticed the theme with rosehip oil: A little goes a long way!

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1 komentar:

  1. I appreciate you for this post and i also used this. Its very effective and helpful. Highly recommended. best organic rosehip oil


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