How to Make the Most Out Of Monster Hunter World's Crafting System

Like shop class or home ec, but with monsters.

One of the most valuable skills you can have as a hunter is your ability to make something from nothing - meaning that knowing how to craft the right items is a huge part of surviving the New World. Here’s how to make the most of the crafting system in Monster Hunter World.

The Basics

While there are some unique items that take a bit of effort to create (due to the rarity of their ingredients), the crafting process is fundamentally the same for all items (except weapons and armor - you can read more about those upgrades here). You collect items out in the world - their locations are static so you’ll always know where to find them - then combine them with other items you find to turn them into something useful. Some of these items are then used to craft other items - and some can be augmented by adding certain elements.

Items can be crafted in the field by using the Crafting List in the pause menu, or in tents at campsites or when accessing your item box in Astera. It's worth noting that when crafting in the item box menu, you'll only use supplies that are being stored in that box, and the items you produce will not automatically be added to your personal inventory - you'll need to transfer them to your satchel manually.

Simple Recipes

Honey, for example, is an extremely useful crafting component. Adding honey to any potion, first aid item or nutrient will boost the healing effect the item has on you. For example, combining honey with a standard potion creates a Mega Potion, which restores significantly more health.


Similarly, adding a blue mushroom to an antidote serum will create a medicine that not only cures poison but also restores health - and does so in a fraction of the time. Thanks to their healing properties, you’ll always want to keep a supply of antidotes, herbs and honey on hand should you run out of potions.

Green Thumb

You can find basic ingredients like herbs and honey in every region you'll explore, and others will be unique to certain climates. Thankfully, you can learn to farm many of these resources in a botanical garden in Astera (once you progress far enough in the story). As you complete more quests, deliveries and bounties you'll unlock the ability to grow more items - both in terms of item type and the quantity you can produce per harvest.


This will help you avoid having to spend time searching for basic items, or having to search for more specialized ingredients. Unfortunately, while you can eventually produce most plants and bugs in your botanical garden, you can’t farm any monster materials (unless you learn how to clone them, but something tells us that's not in the DLC plan). These are rarely used when crafting, but keep your eyes peeled for Arowana and Gunpowderfish scales. You’re also unable to farm ivy at your garden, so make sure to collect any you find while on an expedition.

Quick-Access Crafting

You can quick-craft items by adding recipes to your radial item menu (the default for this is L1/LB). Simply open the “customize radial menu” screen in the first tab of the pause menu and select an empty slot on either radial. Ttab over to “Crafting Recipes” section in the item screen and choose one of the many recipes that you’ve unlocked and want to add to your menu.


This is helpful, though ultimately a bit redundant - if you don’t have any of an item you want to use, when you select the item itself (not the recipe) in the radial menu, you'll automatically craft one provided that you have the necessary ingredients.

Similarly, you can toggle the handy Auto-Crafting feature from your Crafting List in the pause menu (default: ▲ / Y). Selected recipes will be crafted whenever you acquire the ingredients necessary to make those items. Note that this doesn’t work for combining items that are already in your inventory, only when you pick up a new ingredient that gives you enough to craft whatever item you've designated.

No Combo Books

Veterans of the franchise will know that in Monster Hunters past, certain high-level items required not only rare materials to craft, but also more than a bit of luck. Without Combo Books, you’d face a lower success chance for the item to come out right, or else just be a useless mess - not only this, but all those books and ingredients would take way too much of your precious inventory space. Thankfully, in World, all that’s been chucked out the window. While there may be ingredients that are harder to find than others, there’s no longer a pass/fail system when it comes to making more potent potions, traps or bombs.

Inventory Management is Key

Sadly, though there have been decided improvements made to the crafting/carrying system, you aren't able to upgrade or increase your carrying capacity, which means you’ll need to learn to manage your inventory. A big part of this is to make sure you try to leave camp with as little in your inventory as possible. Obviously, you’ll need to plan your loadout for the hunt you’re going on, but try to get as much crafting done before heading into the field. Setting up autocrafting for items you know you’ll use a lot of is useful here, too, though if your pack does get full you can always head back to the tent at camp to unload.


In addition to not carrying an abundance of raw ingredients, you’ll want to avoid picking up any items that are unnecessary or unuseful to you. Once you’ve got a good handle on how you like to play and what weapons you favor, make sure you don’t pick up items that you’ll never use. Do you favor the light Chain Blitz bowgun but not the heavy Iron Assault? Then don’t bother picking up certain berries or nuts that are only used to craft Iron Assualt ammo. Maybe you'd rather use the Sword & Shield or Dual Blades? Make sure to stockpile every Nitroshroom and Might Seed you can to keep your attack and stamina levels boosted.

Have any crafting tips we missed or recipes you really love? Let us know in the comments or on our wiki, and for more help hunting monsters, be sure to check out our guide to the best weapons for new players and in-depth tutorials how to effectively use every weapon type.

JR is an Editor for IGN. When he's not hunting monsters for our wikis, you can usually find him on Twitter.

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