The concepts of disability and sport have long ceased to be incompatible. The relentlessly growing percentage of people with disabilities led to the emergence of world organizations on disability issues. Sport did not stay away.

Speaking of quality life, it is necessary to take into count not only the material and legal aspects but the special needs of such people. Physical activities can be an effective way to solve many problems of disabled persons.

Disability does not have an age limit. Children, adults, the elderly continue to live, work and study. Sport is not an obligatory exercise; it is positive emotions and vital energy. Physical activities hide many benefits for people with disabilities.

Physical Improvement

It has already been scientifically proven that the occurrence of diseases such as heart failure, muscular dystrophy, and osteoporosis is directly related to a sedentary lifestyle. The above statements concerning healthy people are equally relevant to individuals with musculoskeletal disease.

In the first place among the causes of death of people with the physical inability (especially those who survived a spinal injury) are cardiovascular diseases. In comparison with the majority, people chained to a wheelchair are generally at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Despite possible problems with blood circulation, physical activity has a significant positive effect on health, toning its immune and endocrine systems, and also increase maximum oxygen consumption. Numerous studies, one of which you can find at my favorite essay samples website, suggest that the appropriate treatment regimen (especially with spine trauma) can withstand the cycle of exhaustion, which is one consequence of a sedentary lifestyle.

Physical exercises for disabled persons allow getting rid of the feeling of dependence much more effectively than healthy people. Sport is an excellent incentive to avoid bad habits, such as overeating and addiction to alcohol.

Social Benefits

For people with acquired physical handicaps, social adaptation is especially difficult. As a rule, a person has accumulated experience and cultural potential; has formed habits that are very difficult to forget.

This situation requires an active life position of the person and the help of the society. Not only the institutions of public health and social protection play an important role, but also the sports institute helps to activate vital functions and achieve a high quality of life.

Joint activity, which is an integral component of sport, is especially important for disabled, whose social communication is limited. Under the influence of sports, self-discipline, self-respect, the spirit of competition and friendship develop, qualities that are essential for the integration of the disabled in society.

One of the significant benefits of the sport before the usual exercises is that it is a factor of psychological switching offering additional motivation. Sport restores the image of the world’s activities, the need to express life’s joy, thereby speeding up and facilitating the return of the disabled person to social life.

Among the areas of development of adaptive physical culture, distinguish:

information coverage and popularization of sports among disabled persons; involve more people with disabilities in physical activity and active recreation; provision of recreational activities, sports equipment, and facilities for disabled.

Psychological Aspects

Serious physical or mental ailment leads to a greater or lesser degree of disruption of the body functions. It significantly worsens coordination and orientation, which is accompanied by a mental strain that makes it difficult or even excludes the possibility of social contact with the outside world. Under these conditions, an inferiority complex develops, characterized by anxiety, loss of personal dignity and self-confidence.

Involvement in the sphere of physical culture helps to eliminate such negative features and properties of character as a deformed system of values; conflict in relation to others; isolation within a closed group; low self-esteem, aggressiveness, and anxiety.

Classes, competitions, tournaments among men with similar physical impairment make it possible for invalids to identify themselves with the individual, be successful, communicative and get a boost for self-improvement.

Several Closing Words

Sports activity is an individual choice of each person. A person with special needs should not be alone. Next to him, there are always people ready to help and support him. The hardest thing is to take the first step and break through barriers and insecurities in the way to a full life. Sport does not solve all problems but is a successful tool for achieving various goals.

In order to start doing sport and make it a part of your life, you need motivation. If there are such people in your environment, support them and motivate them to new achievements. Regardless of what others think, each of us remains a part of society. Make your step towards the sport, and then you will be able to appreciate the benefits that it offers.